
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Home

Golden Owl of the VSETH (2018)
The Golden Owl honours lecturers who have provided exceptional teaching.

external pagePhysical Society's 2019 Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing (2018)
β€œFor the development and demonstration of trapped-ion quantum computing protocols, including Bell state stabilization by feedback control in mixed-ion chains, and the encoding of logical quantum states in the ion motion.”

external pageLatsis Prize (2016)
Pioneering experiments on controlling quantum systems consisting of single trapped ions to explore the transition between classical and quantum dynamics.

external pageAPS Outstanding Referee (2016)

external pageSNF Consolidator Grant (2015)
The SNSF has awarded an SNSF Consolidator Grant to 21 excellent researchers

external pageTED Fellows (2015)

external pageSAOT Young Researcher Award (2013)
Young Researcher Award in Optical Technologies

external pageLindemann Trust Fellowships (2006)

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